Time for Reckoning

We’ve done it.

I can’t believe that we’re finally at a turning point in our health care approach and that we get the privelege of living through such an amazing time in history. A time where people are standing up and saying no to mandates and being allowed to have the health care freedom of CHOICE.

This is so exciting.

The first things first - we need to have a collective understanding across all medical and functional practices that there are primary care physicians of several types: MD’s, DO’s, and Chiropractors. The former two can write prescriptions in all states, the latter can write prescriptions in a handful of states based on the state law. They all take the same exact classes, they just have different specialities. All of these types of physicians can order labs, imaging, and diagnose. It’s a well known FACT that in order to participate in any type of insurance billing, you must meet certain educational requirements and be licensed in your state as a primary care physician.

ALL PROFESSIONALS LISTED HERE CAN ALSO REFER. You can also list any of these professionals as your PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN.

Apologies if I left out any specific care type that is included in primary care.

And don’t get all fluffy about the fact that I listed chiropractors here - if you are personally offended by this, this is not the place for you. And, I would implore you to do some research and really understand the background and scientific ground that chiropractic founds itself on. In today’s health arena - chiropractors are where you are going to find the highest population of Functional Medicine providers in the nation - more than a naturopathic doctor (which I also highly respect). You will also learn that MD and DO professionals learn how to ‘manipulate’ or adjust the spine - they just don’t use it because there’s too much money at stake for you staying on a pain management pill. Also, because someone told them it’s not as effective. I call bullshit.

There you have it. Today’s educational piece. See you on the next blog post!


All Roads Lead to Wellness


America, We Are Unhealthy.