America, We Are Unhealthy.

It all began with an idea.

The idea that individual health could be bought and sold as a commodity, disregarding if you actually could get health or not.

We’ve seen what big western medicine has their sights set on: incentives and rebates. In other words, kickbacks. I’ve seen many an MD in my functional practice and they all say the same thing - they’re told what to say, how to say it, and what the algorithms are for prescribing and what the ‘rebates’ are. They land in my practice because they struggle so much to get the care that they need without becoming another hamster in the medical wheel.

People are stuck. They’re sick and tired of being sick and tired.

No health professionals are talking about lifestyle changes - especially those unique to each patient.

No health professionals are educating their patients on the importance of food as medicine - how to eat, what to eat, macronutrients and micronutrients and how one’s genetics and autoimmune conditions will need special tweaks for optimal health.

No one is running labs frequently enough to monitor changes, so that medications and supplements can be decreased or eliminated all together.

It spreads much further - you’ve seen recently how may people now are waking up to the poison in our food, water, cosmetics, air, etc…what the ‘powers’ that be have allowed us to be exposed to is such a corrupt, deep hole that it will take TIME and SUPPORT to pull us out of this.

But, we can do this.

We can make our country healthy again.

I’m glad you’re here.


Time for Reckoning